What is Living, Deciding and Talking Together?

Students from primary and secondary schools in the UK have reflected on the Night of Ideas 2022 themes through the creation of inspiring artworks.


Collège français bilingue de Londres

Lycee français Charles-de-Gaulle

Ecole André Malraux

L'Ecole de Battersea

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

RGS Newcastle

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Ecole primaire de South Kensington

Ecole André Malraux

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Lycée français Charles de Gaulle

Ecole André Malraux

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Ecole primaire de South Kensington

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

L'Ecole de Battersea

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Ecole primaire de South Kensington

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Ecole primaire de South Kensington

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Ecole primaire de South Kensington

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Ecole primaire de South Kensington

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

L'Ecole de Battersea

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Collège français bilingue de Londres

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill

Lycée international de Londres Winston Churchill


Rebuilding Together Audio Clips

The Institut français has invited British and French Schools in the UK to produce short audio clips based on a set of questions around the themes of the Night of Ideas 2022: “Deciding Together”, “Shaping our Future”, “Speaking with One Another” and “Getting Out of the Crisis”.

Deciding Together

Getting out of the Crisis

Shaping our Future

Speaking with One Another

In the run-up to and during the Night of Ideas, the Little Night offers our youngest the opportunity to develop their imagination, sharpen their creativity and express themselves through a series of interactive multimedia events and projects.

Switch Everything Off and the World Brightens
Public Workshop

The past few months have stressed the importance of the internet and social media to prevent the collapse of our society and human relationships. However, some people felt the need to “switch everything off” to rediscover the benefits of nature and reconnect with their close families and friends because socialising digitally does not replace face-to-face interaction.

In this hands-on design workshop led by Mélanie Terrade, kids will explore their interaction with their local area and how it evolved, and transpose it into an artwork that brightens when we switch everything off. They will design personal local maps, highlighting landmarks of their current life using photoluminescent media to show the places and people they remain connected to when they switch everything off.

Thursday 28 January 4pm – at the Institut français Online
You will need a small kit to enjoy this workshop.

You can choose to :

– receive your kit by post until 20 January (fill in the form when registering with your postal address to receive the kit).

– collect your kit at the French Institute (15 Queensberry Place, London SW72DT) from 25 January, please contact box.office@institutfrancais.org.uk to make an appointment

2h | Bilingual & easy French | free | open to kids only | ages 6+

The Little Night for Schools

The Institut français du Royaume-Uni has invited British and French schools in the UK to reflect on the theme TOGETHER through two main creative projects:


A Virtual Museum of Togetherness: Let’s Write to Each Other!
School Project – Nursery to Year 6

Pupils of British and French schools in the UK were invited to design postcards on the theme of togetherness and refer to the way they interact with people and/or things around them: animals, plants, objects… These postcards will be displayed on a Virtual Museum of Togetherness Padlet wall and will be sent to other schools taking part in the exchange.
These postcards will be sent to other schools taking part in the exchange and displayed on a Virtual Museum of Togetherness padlet.
➡️ Visit the Virtual Museum of Togetherness
Subjective Maps: What is Close to Me, What Brings Us Together
School Project – Year 5 to Year 13

Students will design subjective maps of their immediate environment, the way they perceive it. These maps will be based on the students’ intimate connection to places and venues, and/or refer to the collective experience of all the people that inhabit a same area.